June 28, 2010

...of Lawlessness Logos!

Tomorrow becomes the past of yesterday's future... in a myriad of moments, thoughts drunk with feeling dream they are reality, like memories awaken by the whispers of passing time, floating words weaved together by mind’s gravity ...

June 14, 2010


...Dea Latuisset in blue Tiber marshes ... of Venus and Mars salt ... ROMA on Earth mirrored

...where u see ideals, i see all that is human...

The sum of some is quite different than most. ...the sum of some, which is all we see, is some of the sum, that created you and me. Thus, for some, the sum will never reach infinity...

Numbers passed down to us as a tool, are understood as a constant...but in a world of change how can sums stay the same? I wonder ... do numbers re re-arrange or are the sum of some as shown in quantum mechanics, from the sanctum of saintdom or a far off quaser?
"Ah, quanto mais ao povo a alma falta, mais a minha alma Atlântica se exalta..."
...Ah, the more to the populace the soul fails, the more my Atlantic soul becomes enraged...

"Sem a loucura que é o homem mais que a besta sadia, cadáver adiado que procria?"
...Without madness what more is man than a beast in health, depleted cadaver that procreates?...

words of Fernando Pessoa
translated by me

Remember ... Camões

... a goldsmith of words that weaved with forever the eternal dreams of a wandering soul shipwrecked in the realm of mortals ...

poem by Portuguese poet Luís de Camões.

Let Love search for new arts, a new talent

to kill me, and new indifference;
for it cannot take away my hopes,
for it will have difficulty in taking from me what I do not have.

See with what hopes I maintain myself
See how dangerous my safety is!
For I do not fear contrasts or changes,
sailing on the rough sea, my vessel lost.

But, although there cannot be any grief
where there is no hope, Love hides
from me an evil that kills and cannot be seen.

For there are days that have placed in my soul
an I know not what, that is born I know not where,
appears I know not how and hurts I know not why