October 27, 2007


Some lives form a perfect circle. Others take shape in a myriad of broken circles. They form a kaleidoscope of suffering and pain with the occasional glimpse of what happiness could be. I want to see the circle form, but I am thankful to have seen what the dream could be. And, if at times I wish I didn’t, the kaleidoscope of my memories starts turning, bringing into me the colorful dreams of what was and I no longer wish it never happened. My times with you are precious. More than any jewels you never lavished on me. The memories no one can take away from me. Not even myself. And I have tried. If only you knew. You say that’s how relationships are. You want us to be friends. With you, this I can not agree. Without you I can’t continue, like I used to be. You showed me a person I believed, a heart I cherished, a lover that made me feel. As your friend I can’t be, without you I never will. This is why it is so hard for me to say good-bye. I can’t live with knowing you are somewhere, away from me. Giving to someone else what I dreamt you could have given me. So I stay; I walk among the leftovers of us, gathering small memories I can then add to the Kaleidoscope of my memories. Little pieces I paste together to make happy dreams. V

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