January 26, 2009

a "blueprint" of ...perfection

eidos...idea...morphe... the universal nature which receives all bodies —that must always be called the same; for, while receiving all things, she never departs at all from her own nature, and never...assumes a form like that of any of the things which enter into her; ... But the forms which enter into and go out of her are the likenesses of real existences modelled after their patterns in a wonderful and inexplicable manner....the things we ordinarily perceive in the world are characterized as shadows of the real things, which we do not perceive directly...phainomena ...It did not start, there is no duration in time, and it will not end. It is neither eternal in the sense of existing forever nor mortal. It exists outside time altogether... outside the world, but they are not in the mind...Forms are extra-mental... Plato

January 24, 2009


J'irai lui dire la pâleur de ses yeux Qu'ils avaient la profondeur de nos cieux Je sais qu'elle marche sans savoir qui elle est Que c'est les jambes d'une autre qui la portaient Je l'entends murmurer Océan d'ambre mélange mélange -moi à tes légendes mets l'ancre
l'ancreen moi C'est si douce ce brûlure Là où ta main me touche, Eau Et coule cette écume De ma bouche J'irai lui dire que son coeur c'est fatigué (de vous) J'irai lui dire que de l'Homme elle s'est lassée (du tout) Que sa vie rare est cachée dans les velours (de l'Immensité) Qu'il est trop tard pour aimer, elle s'est dissoute Dans l'éternité, Eau Océan d'ambre mélange mélange -moi à tes légendes mets l'ancre l'ancre en moi C'est si douce ce brûlure Là où ta main me touche, Eau Et coule cette écume De ma bouche Mylene Farmer

January 23, 2009


“our perceptions about our lives are the outcome of many forces that shape our experience, each having an impact on whether we feel good or bad". Mihály Csíkszentmihályi

Unus Mundus

unitary reality ...ideas are pure mental forms, that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world... it exists both in the psyche and in the world at large...the unconscious biological aspects of the archetype that merges with its chemical and physical conditions...controlling the behaviour of organic matter...fundamental principles of matter and energy in the physical world...the archetypes which ordered our perceptions and ideas are themselves the product of an objective order which transcends both the human mind and the external world...

January 22, 2009


"Space acts on matter, telling it how to move. In turn, matter reacts back on space, telling it how to curve"
John Wheeler

January 20, 2009

In this way time is said to pass...

As time passes, the moment that was once the present becomes part of the past; and part of the future, in turn, becomes the new present.

January 18, 2009


how can it not be real when shreeded memories invade my senses and shroud my soul. How can it not be real when the sent sumptuously cloates memories in exulted notes of Pathos. If it is not so, why does a Freak like me have such longing for Infinity. it can make shudder with pleasure and shiever from it's pain. How can such intimate caresses be felt, from so far a distance. I ache for the sweet placitude of such pleasure's pain. now, the time that never came, has dissipated the past future of what, now, was to be. how can it not be real when i can feel it thrusting within me. V

January 04, 2009


"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick